
Shopfitting concepts and products for companies with a non-food product range

In terms of product range, DIY stores, garden centres, furniture stores and bookshops differ significantly from one another. What retailers with non-food ranges have in common is the needs of customers. They appreciate a structured layout of the product area and easy-to-understand guidance in the store. It is also important to them that the goods are presented in an appealing manner.

At Wanzl, we design our products taking into account market-relevant megatrends. We use our many years of experience in various industries to your benefit and create a feel-good atmosphere in your shop.

Convenient and efficient solutions

Non-food products from Wanzl

Non-food products include furniture, building materials, garden items, magazines and books. At Wanzl, you will find numerous products to set up your store in a way that appeals to your customers.

  • In the entrance and exit area, the reliable guidance and security systems enable your customers to enter and exit the store easily. 
  • In DIY stores in particular, deflector rings and guide rails prove to be practical protection for your customers and your goods.
  • Pallet systems are ideally suited for positioning promotional goods in a way that promotes sales. After the promotion has ended, the pallets can be used to store products in the warehouse.
  • Our trolley shelters serve as tried-and-tested protection for shopping trolleys, but also for customers’ bicycles.
  • While plants are optimally presented in the Vario flower display, print articles come into their own in our clearly designed press portal.

Industry-specific solutions

Of course, Wanzl also offers products with which you can attractively position goods from the food and household products area.

From planning to the store opening

Customised shopfitting from Wanzl for non-food shops

The basis for creating a pleasant atmosphere in your store is a well designed shopfitting concept. Whether you need support with creating your concept or whether you want to leave the entire planning and implementation to the experts, please contact us! At Wanzl, we have already implemented numerous shopfitting projects for DIY stores and other non-food stores. We would be happy to provide you with the expertise we have gained from these projects. 

Creating modern shopping experiences

Non-food shop concepts from Wanzl

Numerous megatrends are transforming retail and creating new requirements for shopping. At Wanzl, dealing with the latest developments is one of our daily tasks. Because we observe the trends, we can respond accordingly and develop new, modern shop concepts.

Comprehensive service for you

Top-notch service for you from Wanzl

In addition to the planning and assembly of products and solutions, our service also includes training courses, attractive after-sales services and a comprehensive service network. Wherever you need our support, we’re here to help.

Helpful inspiration for you

Non-food references

Würth store in Bitburg (D)

Würth and Wanzl expand 24/6 concept with dispenser for connecting elements

Pompea Outlet Enna

A jewellery box in the heart of Sicily