
18 results

Guidance and security systems

Steering, guiding, demarcating and protecting: manual and electronic guidance systems from Wanzl always show the right way in any direction. Suitable for retail – especially at the checkout – but also for logistics and industry, with a robust bumper for day-to-day use. Wanzl guidance systems protect sensitive areas against unauthorised access. Authorised persons are of course granted unrestricted access, including individual entry separation. Wanzl makes security part of the package!


The most intelligent system generation with multifunctional high-tech features


Proven entrance solutions with many functions as standard

Classic swing gates

Simply compact

Atlas turnstile

Motor-driven full-height gate turnstile

EasyGo turnstile

Motor-driven variable turnstile

Galaxy Port

State-of-the-art technology for barrier-free access


Stylish access point: Elegant and space-saving entrances and exits

Atlas turnstile, low

Motor-driven turnstile

Bumper uprights/bollards

Sturdy demarcation

Colour Gate

An electronic entrance system with LED lighting

EasyGo turnstile with V7/V21 ticket machine

Reliable turnstile with integrated ticket machine

eGate casino check-in

Secure access solution for player protection

Galaxy Gate®

Entrance system with the most sophisticated design and technology

Galaxy Gate® with high-reaching swivel arms

State of the art access control and monitoring technology

Portec turnstile

Electro-mechanical turnstile

Sirio turnstile

Elegant motor-driven turnstile

Stainless steel partitions

Elegant and secure

Transtec turnstile

Architecturally sophisticated turnstile